Thursday, September 19, 2013

But it was there yesterday!

So many times I feel like it's all disappearing.

My son just walked into the room after being forced to do dishes.  Yeah forced.  My daughter has finally put her foot down and forced him to do them.  About time.
Maybe I should be doing the dishes...  Nah, that sounds tiring.
I digress.

He was complaining that there were 5 knives and 9 spoons in the dishwasher, but no forks.

Where were the forks?

Have they left too?

I guess this is a strange way to start a blog. But then again, I'm a strange person.

I have experienced a lot of loss in my life.  In a way, it is what defines me.   But I would like to change that. I want to move forward. Away from loss and toward something, well I guess I don't know what I am moving toward. I'm just tired of running away.

It is tiring, not unlike dishes.

So I turn to technology, like I do so much of the time.  I turn to technology to chronicle my journey.

This time, no running away.  And I will keep both eyes open, so we don't lose any more forks.